Splint SeatSeating
Binder Cane & Shaker Tape
Splint or sometimes called Splits refers to Ash, Oak, & Hickory which has been hand split and pounded from billet logs. Splint is a wider material than tradtional hand cane. It is most commonly woven into either a 3-over-3 or a 2-over-2 herringbone/twill pattern or basket weave. Authentic Hickory and Oak splint materials are both very costly and labor intensive to weave. They produce a wonderful rustic apperance and are very durable. Ash splint is a little less costly and gives a more refined overall look.

SLAB RATTAN Splint is a popular & durable alternative to the costly hand split materials. Commons sizes are from 1/2in to 1in wide. like true splint it is most often woven in a 3-over-3 or a 2-over-2 herringbone/twill pattern or basket weave pattern. splint weaving is priced by the dimensional inch, plus materials.

Binder Cane is a wider true cane material approximatley 1/4in wide. It has a hard, slightly curved, exterior surface and is very durable. It is often seen on porch rocker seats and backs. like splint it is commonly woven in a herrigbone/twill pattern or a basket weave, however, there are many other pattern options available. Binder cane is priced by the dimensional inch, plus the cost of materials.

SHAKER TAPE Is a long lasting tightly woven cotton material which was originally pioneered by the Shaker Communities as a back and/or seat material for their chairs and stools. The Shaker Tapes are available in 5/8in or 1in widths. They are available in a rainbow of solid colors or in stripe patterns. Commonly, they are woven either as solid color panel or in 2 colors. An average chair will use about 45 yards of tape per color. Materials for a typical chair can range from $65.00 to $100.00. Most chairs with rungs can be woven with Shaker Tape as a colorful & durable alternative to Rush, Splint or Binder Cane.